Tampa Bay Estuary Program Comprehensive Conservation & Management Plan
The 2017 Revision of Charting The Course: The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) for Tampa Bay is a community blueprint for action to sustain progress in protecting and restoring the bay over a 10-year horizon. Shafer Consulting assisted with research, writing, and data/mapping to develop 39 actions in the 2017 CCMP Update covering water and sediment quality, bay habitats, fish and wildlife, spill prevention, invasive species, climate change and more.
Each action presents specific strategies to meet agreed-upon objectives. Responsible parties, implementation timetables, and results and deliverables are part of every action. The CCMP was developed over two years with expert input from stakeholders and the governing committees of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program Management Conference.
Project Locations
Pasco, Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Manatee Counties, Florida
Tampa Bay Estuary Program
Dates of Work
Spring 2015 – Spring 2017
Issues research, strategic planning, stakeholder interviews, GIS mapping, writing