Sarasota Bay Watershed Symposium
A Symposium to bring together scientists, managers, policy makers and the interested public to i) present the latest “State of the Bay and Watersheds” research findings, ii) identify and prioritize coastal watershed research gaps and develop a collaborative research agenda, iii) identify science-policy disconnects and develop strategies to remedy.
Presented by New College of Florida in partnership with the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program, the symposium featured keynote speaker Cynthia Barnett and was attended by 250+ scientist, managers, policy-makers, business leaders and interested public. The Symposium proceedings are archived on the Sarasota County Water Atlas Coastal Watersheds Wiki, created for the event.
Project Locations
Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Florida
New College of Florida, Sarasota Bay Estuary Program
Stakeholder scoping meetings; Symposium planning, programming and logistics; Sponsor fundraising; Marketing including logo design, website, poster, QR Code nametags, email blasts, program booklet, promotional gifts, print ads; Development of online wiki for archiving sympoisum proceedings; Final synthesis report.
Symposium Summary and Synthesis