by Shafer Consulting | Nov 10, 2010 | Blog
Shafer Consulting wrote successful grant proposal for Sarasota Bay Watch. The Community Foundation of Sarasota County has awarded Sarasota Bay Watch $20,000 toward funding an Executive Director position. Shafer Consulting contributes time and expertise providing grant...
by Shafer Consulting | Aug 16, 2010 | Blog
Shafer Consulting conducted a survey and GIS analysis of the Withlacoochee River in west-central Florida. Understanding historic flows of tidal rivers can help re-establish appropriate levels after years of alteration. One approach to...
by Shafer Consulting | May 10, 2010 | Blog
Shafer Consulting joined Sarasota Bay Watch in their Second Annual Sister Keys Clean-Up on Saturday May, 8 2010. Over eighty participants gathered close to a ton of trash during the morning event. The volunteers were treated to a complimentary lunch by Ed Chiles and...
by Shafer Consulting | Feb 22, 2010 | Blog
New College Adjunct Professor Jennifer Shafer led a team of students in a spatial analysis of the potential impacts of sea level rise on Sarasota County. Using GIS to analyze new Lidar elevation data, the students evaluated the vulnerability of Sarasota’s...
by Shafer Consulting | Nov 5, 2009 | Blog
Shafer Consulting joined the 2009 Myakka River Cleanup Event. Their efforts, led by Myakka River enthusiast Bob Richardson, cleaned litter and debris from the river along a four-mile reach between Border Road Bridge and Rocky Ford. While paddling furiously to keep up...
by Shafer Consulting | Aug 28, 2009 | Blog
Jennifer Shafer recently presented the final report of the Transportation and Redevelopment Action Committee (TRAC) to the Sarasota County Commission. Tim Dutton, Executive Director of the sponsoring organization SCOPE, praised Jennifer’s leadership: “Dr....